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Remote & Branch Office

Remote and branch offices are challenged by limited operations, the need for specialized on-site  IT personnel, and the space and resources typically required to address the complexity of legacy data center infrastructure.

Pivot3 offers a more efficient, cost effective solution for IT infrastructure in a Remote and Branch Office setting that reduces CAPEX and OPEX and enhances the continuity of business operations.

Our software-defined hyperconverged platforms are specifically designed to consolidate server and storage resources so you can build a robust infrastructure that easily scales to meet IT budgets for remote locations.

Remote & Branch Office Deployment

Customer Benefits

Key Advantages

Disaster Recovery

Local backups leverage instant VM restore functions. With on premise hyperconverged infrastructure, critical operations can be restored in under an hour.

Simplified & Scalable

Centralize IT management with an easy-to-use platform for all locations and pay-as-you-grow linear scalability to match specific resource requirements.

Flexible Data Storage Options

From all-flash to hybrid, blades and more, consolidate servers and storage with our range of software-defined hyperconverged appliances.

Efficiency & Performance

Extremely low CPU overhead leaves more processing power to run local applications and virtual desktops.