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Pivot3 vSTAC Watch
Purpose-Built Hyper-Converged Appliance for Surveillance

Pivot3 vSTAC Watch

Pivot3 Products
Pivot3 vSTAC Watch
Pivot3 2U 12-drive vSTAC Watch Platform
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vSTAC Watch nodes deliver globally hyper-converged (GHCI) compute and storage resources that scale as nodes are “stacked” in a Pivot3 virtual storage and compute array. Each vSTAC Watch node includes a high-performance VMware ESXi virtual server environment which allocates cross-cluster compute resources to surveillance applications. Pivot3 vSTAC OS pools storage resources across the entire hyper-converged system and presents them to the application as a virtual HyperSAN. Each Pivot3 hyperconverged systemcontains up to twelve vSTAC Watch nodes and can be expanded on the fly withoutsystem downtime.

  • Purpose-built for surveillanceworkloads
  • Petabyte scalable capacity andperformance
  • Simple to configure, easy to manage and deploy
  • Failover protected hardware,storage and applications

Product Benefits

  • Open systems platform with scale-out storage
  • Pre-configured and tuned for video surveillance needs
  • High availability for both servers and storage
  • Eliminates power and cost of a separate physical SAN


Reduce Power and Cost by 40%

vSTAC Watch nodes integrate a virtual server and scale-out storage resources in a common appliance that saves up to 40% in power, cost and rack space over physical servers and physical SAN storage.

Improve Uptime for Applications and Storage

Storage and servers have traditionally been managed and protected as separate entities. The vSTAC is self-healing for storage failures and supports self-healing single-vm restarts using the Pivot3 VM Failover™ feature. Support for optional real-time failover solutions from VMS Partners and from VMware is also provided.

Scale IP SAN Storage Seamlessly

Storage can be logically and physically expanded while nodes are running to meet the needs of the most demanding environments. Nodes contribute new capacity, bandwidth and RAID resources to the expanded vSTAC.

Data-on in Thirty Minutes

Pivot3 uses virtualization technology to rejoin servers and storage in a single node that can be managed by server and network administrators. There is no need to master complex SAN concepts since the vSTAC is based on familiar Ethernet and server standards.


Pivot3 Watch nodes are centrally managed

Pivot3 Array 5 Appliance Example


Appliance Specifications
Virtual Server and Storage Specifications
  • One six-core Intel XeonCPU (*Optional Second CPU)
  • 16GB 2133MT/sRAMexpandable to 384GB
  • 4x 1 GigE iSCSI
  • 2x10 GigEiSCSI
  • Integrated VMware ESXi 6 hypervisor (includes FoundationLicense)
  • Dual 400GB SSDSATAwrite cache drives
  • 12 Enterprise SATA2.0 harddrives
  • 1TB to 8TBHDDSATAdrives available
  • Node sizes: 12TB, 24TB, 48TB, 72TB, 96TB
  • 128 dynamically expandable volumes

    ***Also available is a 16 drive model with 8TB drives for a total capacity of 128TBs per node***
vSTAC Specifications
Scalability Specications
  • Up to 12 nodes per virtual protection Group (vPG)
  • Scale to 1.4PB usable iSCSIPivot3virtual HyperSAN across a single vPG
  • Multiple scale-up vPG’s unified in a vSTAC cluster managed via vSTAC Manager
  • Scale to 240Gb/sec aggregated bandwidth
Application Failover
  • Pivot3VM Failoverfor highavailability
    • No separate licenses topurchase
    • No dedicated hardware to deploy
    • Easy one-clickselection
  • Optional vMotion, HA and other VMwarefeatures licensed separately through authorized VMware resellerpartners
Dynamic Storage Management
  • Dynamic logical and physical capacity expansion
  • Automaticdisk and controllerload-balancing
  • Dynamic load-balancediSCSImulti-pathsupport
Management Software vSTAC Manager configuresGHCI nodes and runs on any PC
Storage Protection
  • No single point of failure
  • Distributed virtual drivesparing
  • Predictive drive sparing
  • Scalar Erasure Coding Lvl.3
    • 5 simultaneous disk events or
    • 2 drives and an entire appliance
  • Scalar Erasure Coding Lvl.2
    • 3 simultaneous disk events or
    • 1 drive and an entire appliance
  • Scalar Erasure Coding Lvl.1
    • 1 disk event or
    • an entire appliance
Alarms and Alerts
  • State-sensitive LEDsindicate drive events
  • vSTACManagerindicatesstate changes
  • SNMP MIB support for email notification and third partyintegration
  • "Phone Home" remote notification

Usable Capacity Chart:

Purpose-built surveillance hyper-converged appliance capacity chart for 12 appliances with 12 drives each.

Scalar Erasure Coding Protection
  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
vSTAC Node Count 12 TB Node 24 TB Node 48 TB Node 72 TB Node 96 TB Node 128 TB Node 12 TB Node 24 TB Node 48 TB Node 72 TB Node 96 TB Node 128 TB Node 12 TB Node 24 TB Node 48 TB Node 72 TB Node 96 TB Node
1 of Appliance 9.8 19.8 38.5 59.2 77.0 102.7 8.9 18.0 35.9 53.8 71.8 95.7 - - - - -
3 of Appliances 22.5 45.3 90.6 135.8 181.2 241.6 20.2 40.6 81.3 121.8 162.6 216.8 18.3 36.8 73.7 110.4 147.4
4 of Appliances 34.2 68.8 137.8 206.6 275.6 367.5 30.6 61.7 123.5 185.0 247.0 329.3 27.8 55.9 111.8 167.6 223.6
5 of Appliances 46.0 92.5 185.3 277.8 370.6 494.1 41.2 82.8 165.9 248.6 331.8 442.4 37.3 75.0 150.1 225.0 300.2
6 of Appliances 57.8 116.3 232.9 349.2 465.8 621.1 51.7 104.1 208.4 312.4 416.8 555.7 46.8 94.1 188.5 282.6 377.0
7 of Appliances 69.6 140.2 280.6 420.8 561.2 748.3 62.3 125.3 250.9 376.2 501.8 669.1 56.3 113.3 226.9 340.2 453.8
8 of Appliances 81.5 164.0 328.4 492.4 656.8 875.7 72.8 146.6 293.5 440.2 587.0 782.7 65.9 132.6 265.4 398.0 530.8
9 of Appliances 93.4 187.9 376.2 564.0 752.4 1003.2 83.4 167.9 336.2 504.0 672.4 896.5 75.4 151.8 303.9 455.6 607.8
10 of Appliances 105.2 211.8 424.0 635.8 848.0 1130.7 94.0 189.2 378.8 568.0 757.6 1010.1 85.0 171.0 342.4 513.4 684.8
11 of Appliances 117.1 235.7 471.9 707.6 943.8 1258.4 104.6 210.5 421.5 632.0 843.0 1124.0 94.5 190.3 381.0 571.2 762.0
12 of Appliances 129.0 259.6 519.7 779.2 1039.4 1385.9 115.2 231.9 464.2 696.2 928.4 1237.9 104.1 209.5 419.5 629.0 839.0

vSTAC Surveillance Configurations:

  vSTAC Watch vSTAC Data vSTAC Edge vSTAC Trend
  vSTAC Watch vSTAC Data vSTAC Edge vSTAC Trend
Use Case Centralized Compute + Storage Storage Only Distributed Compute + Storage Heavy Compute + Storage
Platform 2U 2U 1U 2U
CPU E5-2630 v3 E5-2630 v3 E5-2420 v3 Dual E5-2680 v3
RAM 16 - 384 GB 8 GB 16 GB 64 - 384 GB
SATA HDD 12 x 1/2/4/6/8 TB
12 - 128 TB
12 x 1/2/4/6/8 TB
12 - 128 TB
4 x 1/2/ TB
4 - 8 TB
12 x 1/2/4/6/8 TB
12 - 128 TB
SSD 400 GB MLC 400 GB MLC N/A 400 GB MLC
NIC 2 x 1 GbE
4 x 10 GbE iSCSI
2 x 1 GbE
4 x 10 GbE iSCSI
4 x 1 GbE 2 x 1 GbE
4 x 10 GbE iSCSI
Max Array 12 Appliances 12 Appliances 4 Appliances 12 Appliances
Hypervisor VMware ESXi N/A VMware ESXi VMware ESXi
Other - - - -


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Pivot3 Products
Pivot3 vSTAC Watch
Pivot3 2U 12-drive vSTAC Watch Platform
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